Provisional programme


18th May: Pre-congress Excursion

Departure from Vannes to Carnac in coaches

Visit of megaliths in the Carnac area

Lunch offered

Inauguration of and exhibition about the Bell Beaker in Brittany at the Musée de Préhistoire in Carnac

Buffet-diner offered


19th May: Congress in Vannes, Palais des Arts et des Congrès

Session Bell Beaker lifestyles

Lunch offered


20th May: Congress in Vannes, Palais des Arts et des Congrès

Session Networks

Lunch offered

Session Recent discoveries

Closure dinner


21st May : Optional excursion (restricted places with extra fees 40 €)

Gavrinis & Locmariaquer (Grand menhir brisé, Table des Marchands)

Lunch offered

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